Autism Speaks

Autism Speaks logo Homepage:

Since its inception, Autism Speaks has committed an unprecedented $128 million in new research funding through 2014 to uncover the cause(s), prevention, treatments and cure for autism, making it the nation's top private funder of autism research.

ABOARD (Advisory Board for Autism and Related Disorders)

ABOARD (Advisory Board for Autism and Related Disorders) logo Homepage:

Since being founded as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) in 1996, ABOARD has served thousands of Pennsylvania families confronted with the challenges of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), as well as the professionals who work with them.

ABOARD envisions a community where children, adolescents, and adults with ASD achieve NO LESS than their maximum potential in social, educational, and vocational environments. We give families both hope and help by advocating and providing Family Support, Education, and Information Resources.

Autism Connection of PA

Autism Connection of PA logo Homepage:

ABOARD's Autism Connection of PA provides autism support across the state of Pennsylvania. The Autism Connection of PA offers autism support to parents, including autism support groups, autism resources, and autism conferences and events.

Rude Mood

Rude Mood logo Homepage:

Before his untimely death, Kevin Dunn was the guitarist and vocalist for Rude Mood, a jam/blues band based in Pittsburgh. The band was well known for its well-placed dynamics and improvisations.

Rude Mood was well known and respected in the local Pittsburgh music scene, with a regular Thursday night spot at the Blue Note Cafe (located on the South Side). Rude Mood was also featured at the Carnegie blues festival, Pittsburgh blues festival, and also on the Gateway Clipper Blues Cruise.